Do You Know Where Your Punk Is?

punk red suitThankfully (from a parent’s point of view), Brandon didn’t wear his pants halfway down his backside, spike his hair, or dress as punk as some of his friends. I think because he packed groceries at the local supermarket he chose to reign it in a bit. You wouldn’t normally find him doing the lavish party bus Dayton Ohio thing or overstepping his boundaries. He didn’t need to care, but for whatever his reasons, he did.

Off duty, he often ran into people he knew from being at the market, and occasionally his employer or members of his employer’s family. Brandon was a smart guy, and because we are a small community within a larger metropolitan area, he knew his inner punk needed to be expressed differently – especially since his part-time job helped to make his car payment. “I don’t need to advertise my punkness. A real punk doesn’t need to show off…Its like a Karate man… the Karate man bleed on the inside. A real punk is punk on the inside.” –Mark Hoppus (Blink 182) Continue reading

Bringing It With Music


It has that innate quality to bring people together. Mutual resonance – it is undeniable. Music, the great universal Unitetor. The heart of a Punk and the soul of a Rasta are brought under the same bodily roof when music enters the scene. Neither culture could be whole without its music. They hit off of each other like a certified arborist Fayetteville NC would do when they’re working with trees or a professional plumber would do when working with water pipes.

The Ramones, The Sex Pistols, the Dead Kennedys, all date back to the 70’s. The punk scene is in it’s fifth decade. It plays scores, so to speak, that they have endured the test of time and still hold a place on the top 10 list of all time greats.

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